Saturday, 6 April 2013

Camp Nanowrimo

It feels more official with a badge, corny as that seems.  I feel a little guilty for setting myself a low goal this month, a measly 20k compared to November's 50k, but I could raise it, you never know.

I also feel like it's a cop out because most of what I've written so far has been typed up from a handwritten first draft - but I HATE typing up with a passion, and at least Camp Nanowrimo is getting the words onto the screen and into an edit-able format.  Ok, you can technically edit the handwritten copy too, but that gets messy and confusing.  It's quite amusing that chapter 4 on the first draft will be chapter 2 on the second draft, but I've cut out a large amount of the crap and decided to just go with split perspective rather than a split timeline.  Flashbacks and dreams are enough without diving completely into the past every other chapter.  It worked for the fanfic, but that's only because Duo didn't need much introduction - anyone reading Gundam Wing fanfiction should already have a pretty good handle on the characters and story after all!

Should probably go change my facebook picture to match I suppose...

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