Saturday, 6 April 2013

Camp Nanowrimo

It feels more official with a badge, corny as that seems.  I feel a little guilty for setting myself a low goal this month, a measly 20k compared to November's 50k, but I could raise it, you never know.

I also feel like it's a cop out because most of what I've written so far has been typed up from a handwritten first draft - but I HATE typing up with a passion, and at least Camp Nanowrimo is getting the words onto the screen and into an edit-able format.  Ok, you can technically edit the handwritten copy too, but that gets messy and confusing.  It's quite amusing that chapter 4 on the first draft will be chapter 2 on the second draft, but I've cut out a large amount of the crap and decided to just go with split perspective rather than a split timeline.  Flashbacks and dreams are enough without diving completely into the past every other chapter.  It worked for the fanfic, but that's only because Duo didn't need much introduction - anyone reading Gundam Wing fanfiction should already have a pretty good handle on the characters and story after all!

Should probably go change my facebook picture to match I suppose...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Well, it's been a while...

It's been a while since I last posted, but then I don't think that the minute details of my life are all that interesting, and there is no point in writing if you have nothing to say.  

I have embarked on a new project - Camp Nanowrimo.  My word goal is only 20k at the moment - eminently achievable and I hope I won't be burnt out at the end, as I usually am in November.  I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and convert a fanfic into a Novel.  The only fanfic I have written that does not require an encyclopedia of explanation to give the background plot is Blue Lightning - after all, any post-war society that includes elite soldiers that fought in that war will do.  So, I created WW111 and the 'Specials' and Duo became Darren.  Solo got to stay Solo, but as names go his is not quite as recognizable.  In fact, if any strangers ever read it and contact me to ask about the subtle parallels to Gundam Wing, I will be happy to sign their copy of the book.

Not that I think it likely, but there you go.

So far I'm 2,500 into the second draft, the one that I will be using for the word count, and I seem to have mislaid the notebook with the original draft in it (not a brilliant start I know).  Well, I know where the secondary notebook with chapter 2 in it is, but I'm still not convinced that the split POV is the way forward - I think I'll write it split and then get a second opinion after a few chapters.  As Bracket is the only one I trust to read my WIP, I will be calling on her years of writing expertise to guide me in my choices.

And perhaps get her to take her damn commissioned blanket for her cats at the same time!

Poem: The British Dilemma

Frost rimes the grass Breath clouds, visible Am I a dragon? Or a puffing train? I selfishly guard my mug Hoarding the warmth Shivering...