Tuesday 21 May 2019

Poem: The British Dilemma

Frost rimes the grass
Breath clouds, visible
Am I a dragon?
Or a puffing train?
I selfishly guard my mug
Hoarding the warmth
Shivering fitfully
As I remember Summer.
Life suffusing each limb
Languid, sunny days
Sipping iced tea
Revelling in golden light
But we all know -
Our truth, our reality.
Sticky skin, humming fans
It will be 'too hot'.
Still, in this chilly moment
Sweat seems preferable
Our ever-changing weather
Is rarely just right.

Poem: Boycott

He doesn't care
Somehow, that kills me
Did past failed attempts trigger this apathy?
I pour out my soul
He doesn't read a word

But he reads other authors
(It would be easier if he didn't)
This boycott is all for me… I want to scream
What is wrong with mine?
Others like it...

...Or they tell me they do
Lacking support propagates doubt
Doubt could kill me so I must endure
The question remains
What did I do wrong?

Poem: Words

Words fill the page

An attempt to catch beauty
Did it work?
Did it translate?
Can they see?
Elusive readers, beloved unknown
I want you
I dread you
I fear you
Your response provokes success or failure
I wish to be selfish
To write for myself alone
Yet… when I open up
Revealing glimpses of soul on page
Desperate hope is kindled
Perhaps it worked
Perhaps you saw
Hope enough to continue
To attempt to catch beauty
In a page of words

Poem: Look Again

Tell a story in a poem
Such an easy thing to write
First beginning then the middle
Weave until the end's in sight
Once upon a frigid morning
Prince and Knight went riding forth
Journeying to kill a Dragon
Bringing terror to the North
Appearances can be deceiving
For the beast is not their foe
In the hills an evil Wizard
Chants enchantments, causes woe
Prince and Knight suspect nothing
The Dragon is a muted slave
Who can stop the needless slaughter?
A heroine both bright and brave
But heroines are rare and precious
The kingdom is long bereft
There seems no hope for the poor Dragon
Innocent of all but theft
For the Dragon stole a trinket
From the Wizard, who now seethed
Knight and Price had found the Dragon
They stood their ground with swords unsheathed
The Dragon choked on vain attempts
To inform them of his plight
It was no use! His words were taken
They battled long into the night
The Wizard laughed inside his tower
Alone, or so he thought at first
But in the dawn he heard a footstep
"I have you now!" The stranger cursed
Long ago across the water
The Wizard had lost his way
His Mother had mourned his fall
His Sister had yet more to say
"Let him go!" She demanded
Her willow wand held aloft
"Dispel your curse, brother mine,
Or you will not enjoy the cost."
Defeated, he acquiesced
The Dragon coughed and found his voice
"Stop!" he cried to his attackers
"I really didn't have a choice!"
Heroines are rare as gemstones
But Enchantresses are often found
Righting wrongs and saving Dragons
Flying high above the ground
The Dragon lived and he begged pardon
To the village he had scared
The Price and Knight then sought the Wizard
Though for this foe they weren't prepared
But the tall tower was deserted
The Wizard's staff lay on the floor
They looked around and finally spotted
A short note pinned to the door
"Pray do not worry," said the letter
Written in a slanting hand
"The Wizard worries you no longer
I'll take him back to our own land."
I've told a story in a poem
It really wasn't hard to write
First beginning and then middle
And now I think this end is right.

Poem: Occhiolism


We all know one.
They move with poise
No gesture wasted
Sitting straight and stiff
And we call it grace.
They dress in layers
Sunkissed skin ending with
Sharp lines at the wrists
And we call it modesty.
They speak softly
Well rounded words falling
Smoothly into rare gaps
And we call it shyness.
We all know one.

Sometimes, change comes
A sudden illness
A shocking accident
Upsets what we know
The tears are missing
Mourning worn by rote.

We meet a stranger
With a familiar face.
They move with freedom
Graceless abandon
Sprawled and smiling
And we hesitate.
They dress in colours
Winter pale skin bared to
Unsuspecting eyes
And we wonder.
They laugh loudly
Giggling opinions
Aired for the first time
And we suspect.
We don't know them
But we'd like to.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

My Great Escape - Novel No. 2

The second novel is now complete, and I'm a lot happier with it than I was with my first novel!  I feel that this novel ticks all the boxes required for a novelist; it has a beginning, a middle and an end.  It has a protagonist who undergoes some character development.  It has a moral message for the reader, one that is hopefully cunningly hidden and not shoved in your face as you read.

It's also been proof-read by someone who is not me, which is a great relief (it also means that I get to silently blame her for any remaining spelling mistakes as I confess I didn't bother to do a final read-through before clicking the submit button).

I suspect that I should review the internal file for kindle readers as there are a lot of blank pages that are fine in a book because all the info is on the right hand page, but annoying to click through when reading an eBook.  I will get to that at some point this weekend.

Last but not least, here's the link for your viewing pleasure.  Amazon gives you the option to look inside so there's no harm in reading the first few pages, is there?

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Poem: Daily Grind

Morning, inbox full
Head full of cotton wool
Phone rings, what now
Emergency or stand down
Paperwork, what’s next
Managers must know best
Lunch time: relax
Reluctant to go back
3pm, the end is near
Imagination into gear
Headache, backache
To tell the truth it’s soul ache
Tomorrow is another day
But all days are the same.

Poem: The British Dilemma

Frost rimes the grass Breath clouds, visible Am I a dragon? Or a puffing train? I selfishly guard my mug Hoarding the warmth Shivering...